Friday, February 04, 2011

How Steve Jobs Gets Things Done

I found this amazing article in a tweet by angel investor and entrepreneur Hiten Shah. I follow The Angel List on Twitter. Go read the full article.

Fortune: How Steve Jobs Gets Things Done
his controversial personality and behaviors ..... when Apple's market value overtook Microsoft's (MSFT) in June 2010, Jobs called the development "surreal." ..... He doesn't just develop new products; he changes games. ..... massive disruptions, forcing players in the music and telecom industries—among others—to change their business models. ..... creative, innovative, entrepreneurial; he's a master of communication; he breaks the paradigm, creates new businesses; he changes the game of other people. ..... actions, decisions, and patterns of behavior ...... at he hangs out with young people. .... he is always looking for upcoming technologies ahead of others ...... the special board meeting held after Jobs accepted the post. Jobs walked up to the wall of the conference room where Apple's roughly two dozen current products were on display and began taking them down, one at a time. When he was done, only four were left. ....... he understands what appeals to customers, and he acts decisively. ..... his grasp of technology. .... the success of the iPod was the result of a great insight coupled with brilliant execution. ..... he created a product that was so easy to use and stylish that he could sell it at a high price, with fat margins ..... By far the bestselling MP3 player ever, the iPod lifted the Apple brand to unprecedented heights, giving Mac sales a boost and re-establishing the company's reputation as a leader in innovation. ....... Jobs spends almost all his time internally with roughly a hundred experts in software, hardware, design, and the technologies of metal, plastic, and glass ...... Every Monday morning he brings them together to review products and the challenges of designing and executing them. It's one of his social processes for connecting multiple disciplines to create compelling products, and he's been doing it rigorously for a dozen years. Four hours a week, fifty weeks a year, for twelve years equals 2,400 hours spent building mental and relationship capital by connecting the newest ideas of diverse brilliant and passionate minds. It's the kind of approach that turns an athletic team into an unsurpassed champion. Jobs is one of the few CEOs with such a disciplined practice of connecting the dots. ......... Jobs produced the most functional and elegant handset ever. ..... making the iPhone Apple's biggest moneymaker. Jobs's verifiable action shows not only his business acumen but also the audacity and courage he exercised to reverse the power balance between a mighty carrier and a lowly handset supplier. ....... develop precision of observation, thought, and expression. ..... Jobs's natural talent is to imagine not only what consumers want now but also what they will want in the future -- and pay a premium price for. He searches for discontinuities in the external landscape. He figures out trajectories of new opportunities. Then he conceives and executes not only differentiated products that yield high margin and high brand recognition, but also business models that will exploit them most profitably. ......... views a product as an experience, not just an object. He can visualize what it will look and feel like, and can then execute it to near perfection ...... makes advanced technology friendly to consumers based on his uncommon talent for connecting it to user experience. He has an innate feel for design, convenience, simplicity, and elegance in the product. He connects the best ideas from widely diverse disciplines to create the consumer experience he's striving for ....... a master of communications. He crafts simple messages that connect with audiences, leveraging his record of innovation to create buzz and build demand for a new product even before it is launched. He relates with consumers, employees, and partners, and turns them into rabid fans. He builds their trust in him, in Apple, and in the Apple brand. ...... It is people who ultimately deliver the numbers. If they miss the people part, it's just a matter of time before they'll miss the numbers.
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